Nutri-Genetix - 40% Carers discount on starter packs

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Nutri-Genetix - 40% Carers discount on starter packs


  • Nutri Genetix (NGX) specialises in personalised nutrition shakes tailored to your DNA, enhancing health, fitness, and overall wellness.
  • Trustpilot score - 4.6
  • Nutri-Genetix (NGX) is a pioneering company in the field of personalised nutrition, offering a revolutionary approach to dietary supplements and meal plans tailored to an individual's DNA. Recognising that nutrition is not one-size-fits-all, NGX uses cutting-edge genetic testing to analyse specific markers related to metabolism, dietary sensitivities, and nutrient requirements. Based on this genetic data, they formulate custom meal shakes and provide nutritional advice that aligns with the user’s genetic makeup, optimising health, performance, and well-being. This bespoke service not only addresses dietary needs but also empowers individuals with knowledge about how their genetics influence their diet, leading to more informed and health-conscious decisions.
  • Offer does not work in combination with other discount code
    Expiry date: 1/12/2024

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