Carer Financial Claims - It's not too late to claim on your PPI

You could still be owed compensation for your PPI previously successful, rejected, lost or declined claim
No Win, No Fee

Carer Financial Claims - It's not too late to claim on your PPI


  • A recent Supreme Court ruling, commonly referred to as Plevin, allows anyone who was charged excessive commission that was not disclosed to them to bring a claim for a full refund of all premium and interest payments
  • The average commission charged on a PPI policy was in excess of 70% of the premium
  • If you missed the PPI deadline, had your PPI claim rejected, or have received a partial refund of your PPI from your lender, you could have a claim for compensation
  • No Win No Fee representation available
  • For full terms and conditions please see:
    Your claim will be handled by Liberay Legal. Once you have placed your details, all communications you receive will be from Liberay Legal.

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