Genealogy Subscription - 14 day free trial

Plus 50% off your subscription after the trial


  • Discover more about your family’s past
  • Build your family tree online and discover your family’s past
  • Explore 20.3 billion historical records
  • Bring old photos back to life with our cutting edge technology
  • Discover more about your family's past with MyHeritage DNA test and family history discovery website! As #1 Family history service for uncovering global roots, MyHeritage offers our millions of users worldwide the opportunity to discover their origins, find new relatives, grow their family trees quickly and easily, explore billions of historical records, and utilize cutting-edge technology to enhance their journey of discovery — including the world’s most advanced AI technologies to repair, enhance, colorize, and even animate old family photos.
  • Standard site terms and conditions apply.

    This offer is a Sale Only Offer which means this offer and/or discount is available from a Merchant and is likewise also made available to the general public. You will not receive an additional saving.

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