
Summer Garden Tips – 5 cost effective ways to make your garden shine

During the winter, many of us are guilty of not giving our gardens the attention they deserve. So once the sun is in the sky and we sense that summer is coming, many of us look to transform our outdoor living space. Whether you have a huge garden with lots of grass to play with or just a small yard to work with, there is no reason why you can’t make the most of your outdoor space.

But nobody wants to spend a fortune on their garden if they don’t have to, which is why we have put together these summer garden maintenance tips and five cost-effective ways to make your garden shine. After these simple and affordable changes, you can enjoy light and warm nights in your garden space while saving money with our discounts.

Paint your fence panels

One of the best summer garden maintenance tips we can give you is to paint your fence panels. Trust us; you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes. Adding a lick of paint to your fence panels or whatever paneling you have in your yard is a cheap but effective way to lift your outdoor space.

We recommend something light and bright regarding what colour you should paint it. You don’t want anything too dark as it will darken the space. Going for light blue, yellows, and greens are great options as these colours capture natural light while also creating the illusion of more space – which is perfect if your outdoor area is a bit small.

Add some new garden furniture

Adding some new garden furniture is one of the best features to add to your garden. Not only does it transform the look of your outdoor space, but it also makes the space more functional by providing you with somewhere to relax.

You can choose from several different types of furniture depending on how you plan to use your garden. If you’d like to enjoy a drink or food outside in the sun, a bistro set is the perfect furniture option. But if you’d prefer to get comfortable and relax with a book, then an outdoor garden corner sofa may be more appropriate.

ALDI often has great garden furniture deals for you so you can great the best offers when purchasing the perfect garden furniture!

Bring the indoors outdoors

If you’re looking for a quick and affordable way to make a considerable difference to your outdoor space, we recommend bringing the indoors outdoors. This means adding soft furnishings to the outdoors, including pillows, throws, and outdoor rugs. Even if you have an easy-to-move armchair that you can bring outside, it will transform the look of the space.

But make sure to be realistic as you won’t want to carry heavy furniture items in and out of the house whenever you want to sit outside. So be sure to go for lightweight pieces that can easily be used outdoors.

Add some plants

Every garden or outdoor space needs some plants, but don’t worry if you don’t have any grass to play with. Plants can be used in a number of ways to transform that space you have to use.

For example, if you’re worried about your garden being overlooked by your neighbours when trying to relax and unwind, you can add some low-maintenance climbing plants to provide privacy. Clematis is a great choice as it weaves across surfaces and looks the part during the summer.  

You can also add some little plotted pants in colourful pots around your garden to add that outdoor feel to it. This is essential if you don’t have grass.

Lights can make a huge difference

Adding lights to your outdoor area can also make a huge change to your outdoor space. But don’t worry, you don’t have to go to the expense of getting electricity put in the garden. Instead, you can bring in some easy-fit solar lighting to showcase your garden’s best features and add subtle lighting for a magical (or even romantic) feel.

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